Esta es una pagina PRO-Ana. Visitala bajo tu propia
responsabilidad. Los TA(trastornos alimenticios) no son un juego, si vas a tomarlo como tal, por favor sal de esta pagina. Los desordenes alimenticios son enfermedades, no son parte de una "moda" o de cualquier forma de "glamour", si piensas en los TA de esa manera, entonces también te invito a retirarte.

This is a Pro-Ana website. Visit it at your ownresponsibility. The EDs (eating disorders) are not a game, if you take it as such, please leave this page. Eating disorders are illnesses, not part of a "fad" or any kind of "glamor", if you think about the EDs in that way, then I invite you also to retire.

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

What is ANA?

ANA is the Anorexia . Anorexia is an eating disorder that involves losing weight by avoiding meals. Some features of anorexia is the fear of gaining weight or distortion of personal vision making the person who has it to be seen more weight than it actually has .

The cause of this disease is unknown but behavior is attributed to verbal aggression towards overweight patient or the mother figure , among others.

The symptoms are :
- Constant concern about the amount of calories consumed
- Constant feeling of cold
- Dry skin
- Brittle nails and hair loss
- Using excuses to avoid foods
- Obsession with personal image and weight
- Hypertrophy ( excessive increase in the volume of an organ) of the salivary glands
- CBC (low red and white blood cells )

Some consequences are:
- Anemia
- Reproductive abnormalities
Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle)
- Plants Yellowing of the hands and feet
- Decrease in bone mass
- Low blood pressure
  -Estomach reduction

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